The people I’ve come to meet in this business are truly, the sweetest, most inspiring people and I am so blessed to be constantly introducing new friends into my life…daily! But the people who really tug at my heart strings are the ones whom I’ve already crossed paths with…fellow first responders! Being a volunteer firefighter for over 12 years as gifted me with adventures surrounded with the most incredible, selfless and life-changing people. This includes bride, Marial!! I’ve know this beauty for YEARS and the impact she’s made on the community is tremendous. It’s a beautiful thing to have respect for a bride or a client, but to be so inspired by them is a blessing and a gift. I had SO much fun capturing every beautiful detail and joyous emotion during her bridal shower and I could not be more honored she asked me to be her photog and friend. Beautiful on the inside, out!! Congratulations, Marial and Aaron!! xo

