I can honestly say that I fall completely in love with every single one of my clients and their sweet family and friends…so when their loved ones become clients as well, it’s just too rich for words!! So much of our business is word-of-mouth but being hired by the friend or relative of a client who you already have a relationship with is beyond meaningful…I feel like a part of the family! No one epitomizes this more than the Piscionere Family… you remember Taylor and Mike’s gorgeous May Law School proposal and Glen Island Harbour Club wedding this past Sept. It was so obvious how in love Taylor’s sister Alex and her boyfriend Andrew were… (flashback time)


Yes, Alex caught the bouquet at Taylor’s wedding, haha!


So when Andrew reached out to me to shoot his proposal to Alex, it literally took me a full day to get back to him for the simple reason that I wasn’t sure I would be able to call him without choking up. Literally!! I already feel completely embraced by the sisters’ family and the fact that they wanted me to be a part of such another special moment in their lives means more than words can express. Thankfully, my urges to burst into tears turned into bursts of laughter when Andrew sent me a full spread sheet depicting his plan for proposing…a literal spreadsheet, complete with tabs, google maps of the day’s locations, a task list, minute-by-minute timelines and a list of who would be doing what. Andrew wins the award, hands-down, for the most organized man in wedding proposal history!

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So Andrew’s romantic plan was to lead Alex to believe that the morning of Thanksgiving, newspaper photographers would be coming to the house to do quick photos and a write-up on her and her family for their work in the community. A card on the table in Alex’s dad’s office would be the beginning of a scavenger hunt, eventually leading to him…amazing!!! So as soon as Alex walked through the door, it began!



Congrats, Alex and Andrew…love you both! XOXO

